School District of Superior Scholarship Foundation Awards 2017-18 The Scholarship Program at Superior Higth School is one of the best in Wisconsin. The School District of Superior Scholarship Foundation Program conshts of 105 named scholarshipt, some with more than one scholarship awarded. This year 111 students received one or more scholarships Close to $270,000.00 is awarded each yeat to graduating seniors because of the generoity of Superiors clubn, organizations and individuas. Each student awarded a scholarship has demonstrated scholastic espelence and paricipation in a variety of school and community activities. SHS is proud to recognize ths year's wholarship recipienes The Class of 2018 Annika Bergstrom Gunnar Gronski Abigail Johnson Donald Martin Jordyn O'Brien Sidney Thimm Ashley Welsh recipients are: Theo Britton Blake Hanson Katherine Lisak Mason Moen Alex Petrey Dylan Thompson Austin Willoughby Josiah Grant Elise Hintzman Josieann Manning Riya Mokashi Kathryn Polkinghorne Katie Warren then Wilson OTHER SHS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS