School District of Superior Scholarship Foundation Awards 2018-19 The Scholarship Program at Superior High School is one of the best in Wisconsin The School District of Superior Scholanship foundation Program consists of 110 named scholarhips, some with more than one scholarship awarded. This year 134 students received one or more scholarships Close to $262,000.00 was awarded this year to graduating seniors because of the generosity of Superior's clubs organizations and individuals. Each student awarded a scholarship has demonstrated scholastic excellence and partici- pation in a variety of school and community activities. SHS is proud to recognize this year's scholarship recipients. The Class of 2019 Victor and Mary D. Nelson Scholarship recipients are: Samin Abdullah Cal Berti Hannah Certa-Werner Rae Dunbar Amelia Evavold Heidi Gondik Ailee Miller Julia Heytens Jaxon Hoffmann Adam LaVine Jeffrey Newman Truc Nguyen Lora Randa Noah Roe Shannon McCoshen OTHER SHS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS: y Hanch Sclars L c Hendnckon Scholeshig Samue Gidey tevben Ptern Schelanhie taa Mesonede 12w Soeghen RAmoh Memarial halari udd Enckon e o ete Sov Northand Schelni Memarial Scholanhi Seeafami Schlbi Crlthoden AtSchoanhie al3 M anh Mehew A Nb cane TempelitngScholagi Haley Salls even hann Smh Memurial Scholani heri Cnin anter Memoriel olan ank Marart, Bertand Sly ewon hotn inly Huer Caran dein Jhen femil Schlarshi- Herbert&Gedin Beina MemorilSholanhies ant hoh Mogan And ted Cembe Se oar C arhie Dan o Memarialholnti one Denon chm sngPerkShonbi Mael fryce Sco Red Sth Scholenhi ylan tol hon Jholet n eb ihadnAmean Lon tis Spfedntheha Maa&oberti Kely Scholanie schdBong American legon Auy5 sonhi kob Holnd Bty mme Scholan cy Lunon & mes Memerial Scholni Theddea de fotemel dtyhlenhi Samuel Gy Lnt nd be a Memoriel Scholenhe M Viamay Maa Ka oa Memael holar Ihomasand CnthiaLedn Mk khelenbe Beran LosSmth Memoriel Scholenh Mary Und Memaril Schoeu Menonal Schorh etyegt Menialhoie Caline e& choan Han Certe Roderknd ACamubellchosb aly aren Raboin Aledaacholarsh home AWig a Thompon Central Mich Scheol Casof 2 Cen helnbi y Cames hlh Mst AC Conle Memedal hela ghe Den Cenay Scholnbie yLews 5etershi Mad Mye Car Memera Schotarsh M ars Root Caden Wille terAseion Aieement Scholesh Cape nd r tduanon fhoanh Serir Ar Mediltmenc ndDid ey H edial mergen Cooper C Aml Schoershi uthan Lundee Mes h Cor inc Scholanig bandon Canain Cal Kenneth M Cos cholar Cat be Meerl lah le&ere Martiel Ma cholhi Nehanel Peon MnManhlarshn er Memori ndSholenhi aylee Ber chlani Spencer Heindh arn Andosy henh e e n la oloe Aen kaee Row and Hlen Devis Memadal Sholar ng Medoo Semdt Sabring mes hn hel holen g e ennger uke Sodentom hann Sith Wairse Superior Centr Hb ShelA hei onan Malley S hSchool Ca ot 16ho ins ch aura Jques Gee atietehi ea Dolgh cholenhie a Hah A Cs tonion Scholahe carine rhevon cho Leaine Mand Marian n Scholari Hadey Obon Gebrle She Hainy S sou We Lies &Power Compaholanh Carne Cphes Kaylee Yiniem Daoa Madon S ackon n lean ASeny Menoriel choehia Sa l Den Me MemarlShlarsh nLane ce AmeMert Mrte Scholeri emrel Shelnhi Ntan Peeon feretfngromchelen ane Dome Thomn Mem on Podin Me ChScholen anet Nindorf Memecial Schoeb fo Ni se on dar chele h Fner MemonielSholarh lee une e ender Scholarh th&Willammand femiy cholenhe Merriland Meine Thompson Memoral Sholehe Hae Megeorg ennT eer Schelar emie omakmbyholari Hayley Oon Benjamin Rhades Macy nh Etemel Onder o ags erte Chloe Kntop wilem Moelan doon a poles Trpanie Memaalhelahi Cae Goad yler ohnoons Meelkin Gesclenceineineerin cholanle d eerAuary Gce Mee Nua Noterberg ren Rbon h Me Shlash Dree ene aee Hucek n Mmarial Scholen h eton Sholan Pige ch Gra Sorense Mesas Autme o Mchn Memehlan Beniamin anick Heald Wkin Family Scheerh Tony taanchoti4 raa MerSot Helen Cahon rm Schonhi Don Po se uk Uon CuShorhie Mary Lind Jamine Domec d r0CAholarshig Gabe Sexton Ma Memari heh a Thomn Congratulations Scholarship Recipients! BMO Global Asset Management School District of Superior Scholarship Foundation Awards 2018-19 The Scholarship Program at Superior High School is one of the best in Wisconsin The School District of Superior Scholanship foundation Program consists of 110 named scholarhips, some with more than one scholarship awarded. This year 134 students received one or more scholarships Close to $262,000.00 was awarded this year to graduating seniors because of the generosity of Superior's clubs organizations and individuals. Each student awarded a scholarship has demonstrated scholastic excellence and partici- pation in a variety of school and community activities. SHS is proud to recognize this year's scholarship recipients. The Class of 2019 Victor and Mary D. Nelson Scholarship recipients are: Samin Abdullah Cal Berti Hannah Certa-Werner Rae Dunbar Amelia Evavold Heidi Gondik Ailee Miller Julia Heytens Jaxon Hoffmann Adam LaVine Jeffrey Newman Truc Nguyen Lora Randa Noah Roe Shannon McCoshen OTHER SHS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS: y Hanch Sclars L c Hendnckon Scholeshig Samue Gidey tevben Ptern Schelanhie taa Mesonede 12w Soeghen RAmoh Memarial halari udd Enckon e o ete Sov Northand Schelni Memarial Scholanhi Seeafami Schlbi Crlthoden AtSchoanhie al3 M anh Mehew A Nb cane TempelitngScholagi Haley Salls even hann Smh Memurial Scholani heri Cnin anter Memoriel olan ank Marart, Bertand Sly ewon hotn inly Huer Caran dein Jhen femil Schlarshi- Herbert&Gedin Beina MemorilSholanhies ant hoh Mogan And ted Cembe Se oar C arhie Dan o Memarialholnti one Denon chm sngPerkShonbi Mael fryce Sco Red Sth Scholenhi ylan tol hon Jholet n eb ihadnAmean Lon tis Spfedntheha Maa&oberti Kely Scholanie schdBong American legon Auy5 sonhi kob Holnd Bty mme Scholan cy Lunon & mes Memerial Scholni Theddea de fotemel dtyhlenhi Samuel Gy Lnt nd be a Memoriel Scholenhe M Viamay Maa Ka oa Memael holar Ihomasand CnthiaLedn Mk khelenbe Beran LosSmth Memoriel Scholenh Mary Und Memaril Schoeu Menonal Schorh etyegt Menialhoie Caline e& choan Han Certe Roderknd ACamubellchosb aly aren Raboin Aledaacholarsh home AWig a Thompon Central Mich Scheol Casof 2 Cen helnbi y Cames hlh Mst AC Conle Memedal hela ghe Den Cenay Scholnbie yLews 5etershi Mad Mye Car Memera Schotarsh M ars Root Caden Wille terAseion Aieement Scholesh Cape nd r tduanon fhoanh Serir Ar Mediltmenc ndDid ey H edial mergen Cooper C Aml Schoershi uthan Lundee Mes h Cor inc Scholanig bandon Canain Cal Kenneth M Cos cholar Cat be Meerl lah le&ere Martiel Ma cholhi Nehanel Peon MnManhlarshn er Memori ndSholenhi aylee Ber chlani Spencer Heindh arn Andosy henh e e n la oloe Aen kaee Row and Hlen Devis Memadal Sholar ng Medoo Semdt Sabring mes hn hel holen g e ennger uke Sodentom hann Sith Wairse Superior Centr Hb ShelA hei onan Malley S hSchool Ca ot 16ho ins ch aura Jques Gee atietehi ea Dolgh cholenhie a Hah A Cs tonion Scholahe carine rhevon cho Leaine Mand Marian n Scholari Hadey Obon Gebrle She Hainy S sou We Lies &Power Compaholanh Carne Cphes Kaylee Yiniem Daoa Madon S ackon n lean ASeny Menoriel choehia Sa l Den Me MemarlShlarsh nLane ce AmeMert Mrte Scholeri emrel Shelnhi Ntan Peeon feretfngromchelen ane Dome Thomn Mem on Podin Me ChScholen anet Nindorf Memecial Schoeb fo Ni se on dar chele h Fner MemonielSholarh lee une e ender Scholarh th&Willammand femiy cholenhe Merriland Meine Thompson Memoral Sholehe Hae Megeorg ennT eer Schelar emie omakmbyholari Hayley Oon Benjamin Rhades Macy nh Etemel Onder o ags erte Chloe Kntop wilem Moelan doon a poles Trpanie Memaalhelahi Cae Goad yler ohnoons Meelkin Gesclenceineineerin cholanle d eerAuary Gce Mee Nua Noterberg ren Rbon h Me Shlash Dree ene aee Hucek n Mmarial Scholen h eton Sholan Pige ch Gra Sorense Mesas Autme o Mchn Memehlan Beniamin anick Heald Wkin Family Scheerh Tony taanchoti4 raa MerSot Helen Cahon rm Schonhi Don Po se uk Uon CuShorhie Mary Lind Jamine Domec d r0CAholarshig Gabe Sexton Ma Memari heh a Thomn Congratulations Scholarship Recipients! BMO Global Asset Management