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  • Published Date

    December 13, 2018
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A Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols and the Santa Luia Vesper Tea / Sunday, December 16, 2018 4:00 p.m. Pilgrim Choir&Friends Curtis Hanson, director and Guest Musicians from the Twin Ports area free will offering PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH 820 Belknap St. - Superior THIS ADVE RT BEVEST SPONSORED THESE COMMIITY-M DED Bl ESSES reat Lakes Office olutions Down LeSage 1423 N. 8th Street Superior 715-395-9976 218-722-9013 1-888-715-9976 304 Hammand Avenus ouperior, W Hannula TA ECHONE Halom &Scher 1 So much more than ust telephones 715-392-8101 218-733-0607 800-877-7248 515 Belknap St Superior, Wi 715-382-3000 HANFT FRID ATTORNEYS YS&COUNSELORS SINCE 899 1209 E. Sth Street, Superior 715-394-5112 1000 US Bank Place Duluth, MN 55802 218-722-4766