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    April 20, 2023
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CITY OF SUPERIOR Living up to ou nas 2023 ANNUAL CLEANUP SCHEDULE This schedule is NOT for brush The annual spring clean-up starts May 1, 2023! The clean-up is a scheduled citywide pickup of household trash which cannot be disposed of in city approved garbage receptacles. Pickup may be refused if deemed unsuitable by Public Works. DATES PICKUP AREA BOUNDARIES WEEK Week #1 May 1st May 2nd May 3rd May 4th May 5th Week #2 May 8th May 9th May 10th May 11th May 12th Week #3 May 15th May 16th May 17th May 18th May 19th Week #4 May 22nd May 23rd May 24th May 25th May 26 North End Downtown Courthouse/Post Office Area Super One Area UWS/Hayes Ct. Tower Ave. Plaza Northern Lights School Benna Ford area/ Homecroft Court/South Superior South Superior South Superior Billings Park Billings Park Billings Park Central Park East End-Vogel/Bardon/Aspen East End East End Allouez Allouez tasca SUPERIOR WISCOLLIR N. 1st to Winter/Butler to E. 2nd Winter to Belknap/Butler to Hammond Winter to Belknap/Hammond to E. 2nd Belknap to N. 21st/Butler to Hammond Belknap to N. 21st/Hammond to Hill Butler to Hammond/N. 21st to N. 28th Hammond to HillN. 21st to N. 28th Butler to HIVN. 28th to N. 42nd/N. 46th to city limits/ Tower to Bardon N. 46th to city limits/Tower to Bardon N. 46th to city limits/ Butler Park to Tower St. Louis River to Butler/Belknap to N. 21st New York to Butler/ N. 21st to N. 42nd St. Louis River to New York/N. 21st to Badger Dr. Belknap Ext. to 14th Ave./N. 21st from Hill Ave. to E. 2nd N. 21st & 14th Ave. to 18th Ave. E/Hill to Bay 18th Ave. To 24th Ave (Stinson)/Hill to Bay 24th to 31st Ave/E. 11th to Bay 36th Ave. To 39th-west side of 42nd/Woodlawn to Bay 40th Ave. to 44th/Woodlawn to Bay 46th Ave. To City Limits INSTRUCTIONS: ALL ELIGIBLE ITEMS MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP BY 7:00 A.M. ON SCHEDULED DAY. Items placed after 7:00 a.m. may not be picked up and will become responsibility of the resident. Items should not be placed out more than one week before pickup date. Place all garbage items in area where your garbage can is picked up weekly. Place items clear of traffic and garbage can. Please be mindful of your neighbors and keep your clean-up pile orderly. Items NOT included in Cleanup: MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. Bring to the landfill for a charge of $25.00 each if clean & dry - $30.00 each if wet or soiled. NO BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION MATERIAL, This includes items such as lumber, shingles, windows, doors, sheet rock, tile, concrete, etc. Bring to DLS, 392-1889 or CORE Advantage, 1021 Garfield Ave 715-399-2754. NO CORRUGATED CARDBOARD OR RECYCLABLES - Place with other recyclables. NO HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS- for proper disposal contact WLSSD at 218-722-0761. NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS. NO TIRES - Tires may be brought to the Superior Landfill $5.00 each or $6.00 with rim on. NO TV'S, APPLIANCES or COMPUTERS -Afterlife Electronics 915 John; 218-940-9274 or WLSSD at 218-722-0761; CORE Advantage, 1021 Garfield Ave 715-399-2754. NO FLUORESCENT BULBS - bring to Campbell Lumber, 3107 Tower Avenue or City of Superior Environmental Services Division, 51 E 1st Street. NO MOTOR OIL OR CAR BATTERIES - Batteries are accepted by TLK or Interstate Battery. Motor Oil accepted at AutoZone 3615 Tower Ave, O'Reilly Auto Parts 2607 Tower Ave or 120 Belknap St., Tires Plus 2419 Tower Ave and Walmart Tire & Lube Express 3705 Tower Ave. City of Superior Landfill accepts loads: Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Phone: 715-398-7222 QUESTIONS? Call the Public Works Department at 715-394-0244. CITY OF SUPERIOR Living up to ou nas 2023 ANNUAL CLEANUP SCHEDULE This schedule is NOT for brush The annual spring clean - up starts May 1 , 2023 ! The clean - up is a scheduled citywide pickup of household trash which cannot be disposed of in city approved garbage receptacles . Pickup may be refused if deemed unsuitable by Public Works . DATES PICKUP AREA BOUNDARIES WEEK Week # 1 May 1st May 2nd May 3rd May 4th May 5th Week # 2 May 8th May 9th May 10th May 11th May 12th Week # 3 May 15th May 16th May 17th May 18th May 19th Week # 4 May 22nd May 23rd May 24th May 25th May 26 North End Downtown Courthouse / Post Office Area Super One Area UWS / Hayes Ct . Tower Ave. Plaza Northern Lights School Benna Ford area / Homecroft Court / South Superior South Superior South Superior Billings Park Billings Park Billings Park Central Park East End - Vogel / Bardon / Aspen East End East End Allouez Allouez tasca SUPERIOR WISCOLLIR N. 1st to Winter / Butler to E. 2nd Winter to Belknap / Butler to Hammond Winter to Belknap / Hammond to E. 2nd Belknap to N. 21st / Butler to Hammond Belknap to N. 21st / Hammond to Hill Butler to Hammond / N . 21st to N. 28th Hammond to HillN . 21st to N. 28th Butler to HIVN . 28th to N. 42nd / N . 46th to city limits / Tower to Bardon N. 46th to city limits / Tower to Bardon N. 46th to city limits / Butler Park to Tower St. Louis River to Butler / Belknap to N. 21st New York to Butler / N. 21st to N. 42nd St. Louis River to New York / N . 21st to Badger Dr. Belknap Ext . to 14th Ave./N . 21st from Hill Ave. to E. 2nd N. 21st & 14th Ave. to 18th Ave. E / Hill to Bay 18th Ave. To 24th Ave ( Stinson ) / Hill to Bay 24th to 31st Ave / E . 11th to Bay 36th Ave. To 39th - west side of 42nd / Woodlawn to Bay 40th Ave. to 44th / Woodlawn to Bay 46th Ave. To City Limits INSTRUCTIONS : ALL ELIGIBLE ITEMS MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP BY 7:00 A.M. ON SCHEDULED DAY . Items placed after 7:00 a.m. may not be picked up and will become responsibility of the resident . Items should not be placed out more than one week before pickup date . Place all garbage items in area where your garbage can is picked up weekly . Place items clear of traffic and garbage can . Please be mindful of your neighbors and keep your clean - up pile orderly . Items NOT included in Cleanup : MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS WILL NOT BE PICKED UP . Bring to the landfill for a charge of $ 25.00 each if clean & dry - $ 30.00 each if wet or soiled . NO BUILDING , CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION MATERIAL , This includes items such as lumber , shingles , windows , doors , sheet rock , tile , concrete , etc. Bring to DLS , 392-1889 or CORE Advantage , 1021 Garfield Ave 715-399-2754 . NO CORRUGATED CARDBOARD OR RECYCLABLES - Place with other recyclables . NO HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS- for proper disposal contact WLSSD at 218-722-0761 . NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS . NO TIRES - Tires may be brought to the Superior Landfill $ 5.00 each or $ 6.00 with rim on . NO TV'S , APPLIANCES or COMPUTERS -Afterlife Electronics 915 John ; 218-940-9274 or WLSSD at 218-722-0761 ; CORE Advantage , 1021 Garfield Ave 715-399-2754 . NO FLUORESCENT BULBS - bring to Campbell Lumber , 3107 Tower Avenue or City of Superior Environmental Services Division , 51 E 1st Street . NO MOTOR OIL OR CAR BATTERIES - Batteries are accepted by TLK or Interstate Battery . Motor Oil accepted at AutoZone 3615 Tower Ave , O'Reilly Auto Parts 2607 Tower Ave or 120 Belknap St. , Tires Plus 2419 Tower Ave and Walmart Tire & Lube Express 3705 Tower Ave. City of Superior Landfill accepts loads : Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Phone : 715-398-7222 QUESTIONS ? Call the Public Works Department at 715-394-0244 .